1998 British Orienteering Championships |
Individual Results |
Sunday 3rdMay : Mychett, Windmill Hill and Frith Hill
These are intended to be the final results, as displayed at the Assembly Area on Monday 4th May. If you have any queries or problems with these results, please contact Tim Booth.
Following various queries and having discovered a few inconsistencies, changes have been made to the following classes: M16A, M21L, M45L, W35L. Tim Booth 4/5/98.
Badge times, colour coded results, string results and reports added 20/5/98. Tim Booth. (Apologies for the delay, working on World Cup Results System now! - no, not that one, the real one, ours).
Should you notice any problems or errors in these results, then please email Tim Booth.
Click here for photography, video and sounds of the event and prizegiving.
Last updated : 20 May 1998 06:55:00
Maintained by
Tim Booth - tim@timbooth.org.uk