
This SCOA web site holds the records for the winners of various Championships, including the SCOA and Southern Night and Day Championships.

All champions are displayed on this page (and the series of following pages). You can filter the display by Competition, year and club to display only the results that you want - we will try to add more filters later.

We also hold lists of venues for the competitions, which can be viewed by clicking Championship Venues

Please note that some events do not have champions for some age classes in some years. Where this is the case, it may be that there was no eligible competitor for that age class in that particular competition. However, for some old events we can only determine some of the champions from incomplete records - if this is the case and you have knowledge of more complete records, you are encouraged to contact the webmaster so we can make our records more complete.

Note also that past age classes differ from those in current use. We display the class that the runner actually competed in, although it is sorted with the closest modern equivalent.

We do not currently hold any details for Champions at this set of events.Note that there are no results for 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions.